Ray managed preparation of an IS/MND and supporting technical studies for the Sunflower Residential project in Rialto. The 184 single-family homes were located on an approximately 16-acre parcel. The project site had been receiving nuisance runoff flow from a dead-end street that enabled growth of water favoring plants regulated by the State. The project applicant inadvertently removed the plants prior to completion of the CEQA document and project approval. Ray assisted the applicant in dealing with CDFW. The MND and project were approved in March 2019.
Ray and Noah recently collaborated on the preparation of a screencheck Draft EIR for The Cove at El Niguel Residential project in the City of Laguna Niguel. The proposed 22 condominium homes would be developed on an approximately 4-acre vacant parcel that was part of a significant landslide in the late 90's. A portion of the original condominiums were destroyed, the remaining homes were demolished, and the hillside was remediated. Because the project site resides on a hillside with surrounding residential development, the proposed project has the attention of the City as well as neighboring residents. Project approval is anticipated in the summer of 2022.
Ray and Noah are currently preparing an EIR Addendum and managing technical subconsultant studies for a 308-unit apartment complex on a 15-acres site in Perris. Although the project would change the underlying land use from commercial to residential as defined in the underlying specific plan, the project would not produce any new significant impacts or require new mitigation measures over and above those identified in the prior CEQA documents approved for the specific plan. Project approval is anticipated to occur during the first quarter of 2023.
Ray managed preparation of the second Supplemental EIR addressing a third Amendment to the Arantine Hills Specific Plan. The project proposed an approximately 18-acre increase to the boundary of the Specific Plan adjacent to the I-15/Cajalco Road southbound on-ramps acquired from RCTC that would expand the commercial acreage in Planning Area 11 by approximately 12 acres and add another 6 acres of open space. The additional commercial acreage increased development within the Planning Area from 80,000 square feet to approximately 223,000 square feet plus a 135-room hotel. Due to the low elevation of Planning Area 11 relative to the supporting sewer lift station, approximately 440,000 cubic yards of soil were imported from the adjacent Planning Area to the south. This soil haul operation required construction of a temporary earth bridge across Bedford Canyon Wash for use by the earth moving equipment. Construction and use of the temporary earth bridge had to be completed prior to the first rains of the season, adding to the time sensitive nature of the overall project schedule. The Supplemental EIR was completed on time and the project was approved in May of 2020.
Mr. Hussey managed preparation of an IS/MND and technical studies for the Gateway Plaza commercial project in the City of Riverside. The project included construction of a 3,800 square foot convenience store with a gas station and car wash, 2,590 square foot coffee shop with drive-thru, and a 3,750 fast-food restaurant with drive-thru. Additional work efforts managed by Ray included preparation of supporting air quality/GHG, biological resources, and cultural resources studies. The MND and project were approved in May 2019.
Ray Hussey managed preparation of an IS/MND and technical studies for the Olivewood Memorial Park project in Riverside. The project included improvements on 3.5 acres of an existing 70-acre cemetery, including construction of a new 2,916 sf mausoleum with 552 crypts, 492 surface grave sites, and surrounding site improvements consisting of retaining walls, hardscape, landscaping, and a new access road. Due to the existence of underlying granite within the mausoleum and access road construction areas, Ray worked with the applicant and City to engage the services of a blasting contractor to prepare a technical study and adequate mitigation in the event blasting is deemed necessary. Ray also managed evaluation of the potential impacts to an adjacent historically significant mausoleum from vibration should blasting be needed. Additional studies managed included air quality and GHG, biological resources, cultural and historic resources, and noise and vibration. The IS/MND and project were approved in May 2019.
Ray and Noah are currently preparing an IS/MND and managing technical subconsultant studies analyzing an approximately 100,000 square foot warehouse project in the City of Riverside. Working with the applicant and City staff, Ray successfully lobbied for use of an appropriate definition of the project so that the scope of traffic and air quality studies was simplified. In addition, Ray managed scope of work changes to the biological resources and noise studies to address the City’s unorthodox request to address potential noise impacts to adjacent habitat. Project approval is anticipated to occur during the spring of this year.
Mr. Hussey managed preparation of an EIR for the proposed CapRock Distribution Center III Warehouse Project consisting of a 525,110-square foot warehouse building located on an approximately 24-acre site in the City of Rialto. Based on new information gleaned from the Newhall court case regarding GHG impact thresholds, the technical GHG impact analysis required substantial revisions in light of the court’s decision. Although the project was consistent with underlying industrial land use for the site, extraordinary effort was necessary to respond to comments on the Draft EIR generated by attorney groups representing a labor union and an environmental group. Ray managed preparation of responses to these comments in a timely fashion, and the EIR was certified and project approved in June of 2017.
On behalf of the City, Ray Hussey managed preparation of an EIR analyzing the Fontana Water Company’s (FWC’s) Plant F15 water tank replacement project. The project included demolition of an an historically significant water tank over 100 years old, and construction of two new water tanks on an adjoining parcel. At Ray’s suggestion, FWC modified the project by changing the land use on the old water tank location to commercial so the property could be sold at a higher value to a commercial developer. The EIR was certified and the project approved in February 2018.
Ray Hussey prepared a Categorical Exemption and managed a supporting technical air quality report for the City of Rialto Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade project. The $30,000,000 project involved the replacement of key pump motors, pipelines, and a new secondary treatment tank and abandonment of the replaced equipment on the same site. Portions of existing facilities were improved and utilized as part of the new treatment plant, with no net increase in treatment capacity. The new treatment plant upgrades included high efficiency, state-of-the-art motors, pumps, blowers, and other electrical powered equipment that would result in substantively reduced operational electricity demand in comparison to existing conditions. The reduced electricity demand would result in correspondingly reduced air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions during project operations in comparison to existing conditions. The proposed project was determined to be exempt from CEQA, specifically the Class 2 Replacement or Reconstruction exemption, because the facility would be replaced within the City’s property and the capacity of the facility would not be increased. The project was approved in May of 2018.
Mr. Hussey managed preparation of an EIR addressing an Amendment to the Cal Baptist University (CBU) Specific to accommodate an expansion of curriculum offered at the University and an increase in student enrollment from approximately 8,400 to 12,000 total students and an additional 246,000 square feet of administrative, academic, and recreational building space needed to support this growth. The CBU Specific Plan Amendment includes the addition of a single land use designation enabling development of a range of land use types unique to the needs of the University as well as development standards guiding the bulk, mass, height, and architectural features of
future development. Ray also managed preparation of the technical Air Quality/Greenhouse Gas Emissions,
Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, and Noise Studies prepared in support of the EIR. The EIR addressed all CEQA topics based on the studies noted above and an applicant-prepared traffic study. The EIR was certified and the project was approved in January 2019.
Dating back to 2005, Mr. Hussey managed preparation of CEQA documents and supporting technical studies for the Arantine Hills Specific Plan. The Specific Plan area is located in the Bedford Canyon area of southeastern Corona on the west side of Interstate 15 (I-15), south of Eagle Glen Parkway. The original EIR and Specific Plan was approved in
2012 after several delays including applicant changes to the Specific Plan and a City moratorium on development to allow consideration of using Cajalco Road/Eagle Glenn Parkway as a regional bi-county transportation corridor between Orange and Riverside Counties. The project was originally approved as a 276-acre master planned community, including residential, general commercial, mixed-use, open space, and park land uses. In 2015, 2018 and in 2020, Ray also managed preparation of three CEQA document for three subsequent Amendments to the Arantine Hills Specific Plan. These documents included Supplemental EIR No. 1 in 2015, an Addendum in 2018, and Supplemental EIR No. 2 in 2020. The Specific Plan Amendments included: land use changes that reduced the quantity of industrial and commercial acreage in favor of developing the same amount of residential spread out within the Specific Plan area; a Development Agreement that removed a mitigation measure prohibiting any development until improvements to the I-15/Cajalco Road interchange were constructed while requiring the project proponent to secure approximately $40 million for the construction of the interchange improvements; increases to the Specific Plan boundary with development of the same amount of residential spread out within the Specific Plan area; and another increase to the Specific Plan boundary to increase the commercial acreage of the commercial
oriented Planning Area.
Ray Hussey managed preparation of an Addendum to the previously approved Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Seabiscuit Specific Plan to address potential new impacts associated with proposedSeabiscuit Specific Plan Amendment. The Addendum to the approved MND addressed the modified project and the resulting increase in hotel rooms (+17 rooms), condominiums (+46 units), and mixed-use space (+31,693 square feet) on the site formerly occupied by the Santa Anita Inn in the City of Arcadia. The environmental analysis of the modified project required only minor technical changes and additions to the previously approved MND, and in that way fit the definition of a CEQA Addendum. The CEQA Addendum to the MND and the proposed project were approved in June 2018.